Friday, March 2, 2012

Stay Tuned! 
  Coyote Laughing is coming soon.

 Just as in nature, there is always something going on behind the scenes. This has been true for this adventure, as well.  After leaving my job, my time schedule has taken many and varied paths, leaving computer and blogging time scarce. I have written a great deal though and someday, I might do a quick highlighted tour of the journey over the last 7 months.

True, there have been some times of loooonnng dormancy, but there have also been times of frenzied growth.  I am still here and getting closer to realizing the ideas that began back in 2010 when I began this blog. My new website, will be up and running soon and I am gearing up for the spring/summer art fair/craft show season. 

I do know that it will not be another 7 months until I am back here at Coffee Time.  See you soon.

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