The last time I wrote, I was trying to make a huge decision about whether to quite my full time job now, or try to wait another year. My decision has been made. I plan to be leaving my full time job by no later than mid-summer. There are still a few details to work out as I figure out my exit timeline with my current employer.
I feel both intense relief, excitement,... and fear.
I have no doubt it is the right decision for me, personally. I am fearful about the financial aspect of this decision.
I have to keep reminding myself I have thoroughly thought it through and have a sound plan. I also remind myself that there are valid reasons of physical and family need that have led me to this choice and that my "dream" business will hopefully provide a chance to have an income and attend to those needs.
So that's it for now. Spring is a very busy time of year at work and I am not sure how much time I will have to write or pursue my dream. Still, I know that time is coming and I am quietly laying a foundation for myself.
And the picture today is my garden cup. I spent a wonderful couple hours in my garden today with my husband and daughter. It has been two years since I have been able to do much gardening and I thoroughly enjoyed it, even with some physical limitations and twinges from my ankle. I am looking forward to spending time in my garden writing this summer, too. Happy May Day.